How will capitalism end?
It is already extremely obvious that we are living near the end of the industrial age...meaning that global capitalism is nearing its end. Of course, I don't expect anything to replace capitalism, after it ends. I do suspect that global capitalism will not go away...until the collapse of industrial civilization (CoIC) and near-term human extinction (NTHE) finally arrives. I do suspect that industrial civilization will end rather abruptly and catastrophically. And its end will come as a "surprise" for most people, since most people never saw it coming. As for the decline of industrial civilization, it has already been happening during the past 20 to 30 years (at least). Since the mid 1990s, the only "improvements" in technology was that computers and electronic devices were made a bit slimmer and slightly more powerful. But none of these "advancements" in technologies could fix any of the fundamental problems of capitalism and industrial c...