How will capitalism end?

It is already extremely obvious that we are living near the end of the industrial age...meaning that global capitalism is nearing its end. Of course, I don't expect anything to replace capitalism, after it ends. I do suspect that global capitalism will not go away...until the collapse of industrial civilization (CoIC) and near-term human extinction (NTHE) finally arrives. 

I do suspect that industrial civilization will end rather abruptly and catastrophically. And its end will come as a "surprise" for most people, since most people never saw it coming. As for the decline of industrial civilization, it has already been happening during the past 20 to 30 years (at least). Since the mid 1990s, the only "improvements" in technology was that computers and electronic devices were made a bit slimmer and slightly more powerful. 

But none of these "advancements" in technologies could fix any of the fundamental problems of capitalism and industrial civilization. That is because our global economy is a pyramid scheme that will eventually collapse (for good) when there isn't enough resources left on this planet for it to extract and consume.

Of course, nobody knows the exact date when CoIC/NTHE will arrive. But it is obvious that it is inevitable. And it is also obvious that industrial civilization is already starting to rapidly decline. Just look at the ever-increasing number of homeless, unemployed, and impoverished people; the rapid disappearence of the natural world; the ever-increasing corruption of the "governments" (more like corporate-controlled states, am I right?)...nevermind, abrupt, anthropogenic climate change. It is obvious that industrial civilization is unsustainable.

And "renewable" energies and "smart" technology/AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not coming to save industrial civilization. Of course, I don't want to spend my time explaining why "renewable" energies are incapable of replacing fossil fuels...this has been discussed ad nauseum on countless other blogs, articles and books about CoIC. 

And AI is just more hopium for the masses. AI cannot fix any of the fundamental problems of industrial the lack of any alternatives to fossil fuels (which are rapidly running out), the unbelievable social and economic inequality created by capitalism, the absolutely FUBARed environment caused by industrial activities, the human overpopulation of the planet, etc. AI is just more false hope offered by The Powers That Be (TPTB) by pretending that CoIC/NTHE won't ever happen. 

At best, AI can make managing and controlling (thus enslaving) the masses more efficient for TPTB. Which is obviously not a "solution" to any of the world's problems. It is just more Orwellian survelliance from Big Brother, which has already been happening with the NSA's PRISM project for the past two to three decades. This draconian survelliance is obviously a desperate attempt by TPTB to maintain their iron-fist control over industrial civilization, as social strife increases from the on-going global famine and economic collapse.


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