Will humans become extinct one day?
Well, of course, yes! It is obvious that humans will go extinct one day. Every species on this planet eventually goes extinct. And humans are no exception to this rule. Human "ingenuity" will not do a damn thing to prevent our extinction from happening. Because technology cannot do a damn thing for solving industrial civilization's fundamental problems (like overpopulation, resource depletion, social/economic inequality, environmental degradation, etc).
Keep in mind that technology is a by-product of available resources (energy or otherwise). And the vast majority of resources that human technology is made out of is finite and nonrenewable...meaning that there is only a limited amount of these resources (hence being finite). And these resources don't replenish nearly as fast as they are being used up (hence being nonrenewable).
Is peak oil real? Yes, it is. And it is happening exactly because oil is finite and nonrenewable. Hence, the more oil is being exploited, the less of it will be left for the future...hence, oil is being depleted, because finite and nonrenewable resources eventually run out. Duh. That is obvious.
Of course, the governments of the world pretend that peak oil isn't real, because they would never admit that industrial civilization is unsustainable. And that our entire civilization is based off of burrowed time. That is rapidly running out.
Nor will the governments of the world admit the severity of the global ecological crisis. The governments pretend that the 6th Mass Extinction is just a figment of our imagination. Or they pretend that it isn't being caused by humans. Or they pretend that we can prevent it from happening via the "conservation" of nature via capitalist privitization schemes.
What the governments don't tell us is that many, many species are already quickly becoming extinct. And that many (if not most) species are quickly going to become extinct, in the near future. And that human industrial activities are the ROOT cause of these extinctions (and the whole ecological and societal problems in general). And that global industrial civilization will catastrophically and abruptly collapse (in the relatively near future). And then humans will (most likely) quickly go extinct after industrial civilization permanently ends (for good).
When you realize the extreme, mind-boogling severity of the world's environmental and societal problems (and why there is no solution to any of these problems whatsoever...hint, hint capitalism cannot solve any of the world's problems. Except for making the uber-wealthy elites more and more rich and powerful), then you realize that humanity is (most likely) going to face Near Term Extinction (NTE), sooner or later.
I am sick and tired of those deniers and willfully-ignorant morons pretend that "everything will be fine". Sure, everything will be fine, but only after Near-Term Human Extinction (NTHE) happens. And there is not a single human left alive on this planet (in the relatively near future). Because humanity's presence on this planet Earth is fundamentally unsustainable. Humans are fundamentally incapable of living sustainably on this planet. Hence, we get NTHE.
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