Well, of course, yes! It is obvious that humans will go extinct one day. Every species on this planet eventually goes extinct. And humans are no exception to this rule. Human "ingenuity" will not do a damn thing to prevent our extinction from happening. Because technology cannot do a damn thing for solving industrial civilization's fundamental problems (like overpopulation, resource depletion, social/economic inequality, environmental degradation, etc). Keep in mind that technology is a by-product of available resources (energy or otherwise). And the vast majority of resources that human technology is made out of is finite and nonrenewable...meaning that there is only a limited amount of these resources (hence being finite). And these resources don't replenish nearly as fast as they are being used up (hence being nonrenewable). Is peak oil real? Yes, it is. And it is happening exactly because oil is finite and nonrenewable. Hence, the more oil is being exploited, the...
The blunt truth about our global socio-economic system (aka capitalism) is that it is unfair and unsustainable. Not just "somewhat" unfair and unsustainable. It is completely, 100% unfair and unsustainable. The following article will show you why that is the case. The truth be told is that you have almost no chance of making enough money to survive in our economy (let alone "prosper" and "succeed" in it) unless you are extremely lucky. As in you are born into a wealthy family. Or you have inherited wealth and social status. Or if you are a greedy, thieving person. Our society certainly does not reward honesty, hard-work, or good virtue. It rewards those who can most successfully scam and rip-off other people . Like business people, lawyers, politicians and sales people. The vast majority of extremely wealthy people contribute jack shit to society. They just extract enormous amounts of wealth off of profits, interest payments and ta...
It really is. There is no privacy on the Internet. You are delusional to say otherwise. The Internet was never designed with anonymity in mind. Just ease of transfer of information. Using Tor is useless. And you know it.
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