
Just FYI, religion is bullshit.

There is no doubt in my mind that religion is bs. This is a fact. There is ZERO proof that God exists. This religious stuff is just silly superstitious nonsense.  Every God/deity humans have ever worshipped.....there is ZERO evidence of its existence. This also applies to the Judeo-Christian-Muslim God. It is all just mythology. It is all just made-up shit. It does not exist... Myths are for kids and/or delusional fools. This is why I consider religious folks to be morons. There is no God. And yet, they falsely believe that God is "real". As for a moral code, you don't need religion to determine that. All you need is common sense and decency to determine morality. No need for a religion for morality. Religion is nothing but a tool used by the ruling class elites to hoodwink and control the masses. Fuck off with this religious bullshit. I have very little tolerance for it.  Atheism is not the denial of God's existence. Rather it is the acceptance that God d

Really our entire society is one big scam

I am shocked that very few people understand that the entire global economy is one big pyramid scheme/Ponzi scheme/scam. Most people falsely assume that just because something is "legal" that it isn't unethical. But the truth is legality has very little to do with ethics. The entire global economy is totally a sham. I don't think a single article can explain why it is a scam.  But here is a good starting point. This whole capitalist system is all based off of usurious money-lending. In other words, someone burrowing money has to pay back more money than what they burrowed. The higher the interest rates, the more money a burrower has to pay back to the creditor. Let's say someone burrows $100. And the interest rate is 6%. That means they need to pay $6 of interest. On top of the $100 dollars they burrowed. Meaning they need to pay back $106 in total on a $100 loan. This usurious money lending doesn't just apply to burrowing money from banks. But it

Here are some tips for someone who doesn't wanna get hacked or infected by malware

Don't use Windows. It is simple as that. If you use Windows, you have already failed in your Internet security. No amount of anti-virus software will protect your computer from malware, viruses, hackers and etc if you use Windows. Use Linux if you don't want your computer to get infected by malware. Linux doesn't need anti-virus software because it is designed to not get infected by malware. Windows needs anti-virus software because it is designed to get infected by malware and viruses. So, no amount of anti-virus software will protect your computer from malware if you use Windows I hope you find this post informative. And please have a nice day ;) 

Let's be honest. The vast majority of people are dumb and brainwashed.

I have read many posts online. And the vast majority of people are completely stupid and brainwashed. They have ZERO idea what is actually going on in this world. All their beliefs and value systems are fed to them via mainstream media and the so-called "education" system. And everything the corporate-state tells the masses is a BIG FAT LIE. Well not everything, but virtually all of it is bs. Here are some common lies the masses believe in... 1) that "free market" capitalism is good. And it "solves" everything 2) that voting matters. And that politicians actually "care" about the masses. 3) that industrial civilization will never end. And human extinction will never occur. Because humans are apparently too clever and adaptive ever go extinct. 4) that humans are not animals. And that humans are superior to the natural world. 5) that God protects believers. And that religious dogma/moral code is correct 6) that technology is constantly

The power of Intelligence Agencies

They know about literally everything. You do. Both online and offline. I don't want to go into the specific details of how they track people online. But believe me, they know the identity of every cybercriminal. They simply don't have the resources to arrest everyone committing an Internet crime. They tend to first arrest the most profilic criminals. Before they go after the less-profilic criminals.

I enjoy writing this blog.

I don't expect anyone will read it. I don't care if nobody reads it. Yeah, we all know. There is zero anonymity online. There is nothing wrong with that. Obey the law. Don't do anything illegal. We all know the rest.