Let's be honest. The vast majority of people are dumb and brainwashed.
I have read many posts online. And the vast majority of people are completely stupid and brainwashed. They have ZERO idea what is actually going on in this world.
All their beliefs and value systems are fed to them via mainstream media and the so-called "education" system. And everything the corporate-state tells the masses is a BIG FAT LIE. Well not everything, but virtually all of it is bs.
Here are some common lies the masses believe in...
1) that "free market" capitalism is good. And it "solves" everything
2) that voting matters. And that politicians actually "care" about the masses.
3) that industrial civilization will never end. And human extinction will never occur. Because humans are apparently too clever and adaptive ever go extinct.
4) that humans are not animals. And that humans are superior to the natural world.
5) that God protects believers. And that religious dogma/moral code is correct
6) that technology is constantly "progressing". And technological innovation will "fix" of all the world's problems.
The above statements are totally bs. Here is the proper rebuttal.
1) capitalism is the ultimate scam and swindle. And the masses are just slaves to the rich, ruling class elites. Just a giant pyramid scheme system.
2) voting makes no fucking difference. It doesn't matter who you vote for. Nothing changes. The politicians pretend to care about the masses. But that is a lie. They only care about serving the interests of the rich, corporate elites.
3) collapse of industrial civilization is guranateed to happen. And as a result, near term human extinction is almost guranateed to happen. If we are "lucky" a tiny number of people (let's say a few hundred or a few thousand around the entire world) might survive the end of civilization. But most likely, we get complete human extinction sometime between 2030 to 2080. And most likely before the 21st century is over.
What does complete human extinction mean? Literally zero people left on this planet within a few short decades from now.
4) Humans are animals. And we are not "superior" to the natural world. On the contrary, humans are worthless pieces of shit that deserve the most horrible and miserable extinction possible (which they will certainly get)
5) God does not exist. All god(s) humans have ever worshipped, there is ZERO proof of their existence. Similarly, there is ZERO proof the existence of the Judeo-Christian God. Religion is all horseshit. Yes, humans need a moral code. But why must be rely on some bs religions to tell us what is right or wrong?
6) technology is not constantly "improving". Technological "progress" is just a myth for the masses. It is total hopium bs. Technological innovation fixes nothing. It just makes the production and distribution of goods more efficient. But it does not "improve" lives of humans. It just allows corporations more power and control over the lives of people.
To the people defending the status quo, I wish them the best of luck when collapse of industrial civilization (CoIC) and near term human extinction (NTHE) wipes their sorry asses off of the face of the Earth.
Keep on defending capitalism you dumb, worthless slaves. I hope you enjoy your wageslavery and debt slavery. I strongly suspect the elite people are 100% aware of CoIC ane NTHE. They are just pretending it won't happen. So that they continue scamming those brainwashed, sheeple masses.
Don't worry. Literally nobody will survive NTHE. Not even the rich "elites". This species is finished. The day of reckoning is coming. Humans will soon get EXACTLY what they deserve, which is the most horrific and miserable death possible. When NTHE completely exterminates their sorry asses.
Fuck humanity. Humans totally suck. NTHE is the best news possible, because humans TOTALLY deserve it.
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