Really our entire society is one big scam

I am shocked that very few people understand that the entire global economy is one big pyramid scheme/Ponzi scheme/scam. Most people falsely assume that just because something is "legal" that it isn't unethical. But the truth is legality has very little to do with ethics.

The entire global economy is totally a sham. I don't think a single article can explain why it is a scam.  But here is a good starting point. This whole capitalist system is all based off of usurious money-lending.

In other words, someone burrowing money has to pay back more money than what they burrowed. The higher the interest rates, the more money a burrower has to pay back to the creditor.

Let's say someone burrows $100. And the interest rate is 6%. That means they need to pay $6 of interest. On top of the $100 dollars they burrowed. Meaning they need to pay back $106 in total on a $100 loan.

This usurious money lending doesn't just apply to burrowing money from banks. But it applies to all financial transactions in the global economy. Every employee is supposed to generate more money (in terms of revenue) than the amount of money they earn (in terms of a paycheck) from the corporation(s) they work for.

The revenues that are generated from wage labour must always be greater than the wages paid to employees. And the revenues are determined entirely by the prices of goods/services being distributed on the market. But the consumers of these goods/services all tend to be employees. 

Revenues (minus) costs = profit. And the costs cannot exceed the revenues. Otherwise, there is no positive net profit being generated. The revenues = prices of goods/services on the market place. The costs = the wages/incomes paid to employees. The employees need to buy things that are ALWAYS sold at a higher price than what they earn in wages/income.

This means that 80 to 90% of the human population (who happen to be wage earners) are always being paid less money than what they need to pay for. How can people pay for things that cost more money than what they earn? By burrowing money from banks.

Yet the banks require burrowers to pay back  even more money than what they lend out. This means the global economy needs to constantly grow (in terms of economic output) to pay back the interest on the money that is loaned out. More and more stuff needs to be produced/sold to finance the interest payments on the ever-growing loans.

Unfortunately, the Earth cannot sustain infinite growth in industrial production and consumption. Once the Earth's natural resources start to quickly run out (which is happening right now), industrial production starts to continuously drop. In order to maintain a profit, prices must rapidly grow. Yet employment, wages and incomes starts to rapidly decline.

 Unemployment continues to skyrocket. Yet wages are unable to increase. And in fact, wages might even be dropping. Skyrocketing unemployment + declining wages + skyrocketing prices = fewer and fewer people have the financial means to afford the things they need/desire.

Yet prices continue to exponentially grow. Even though the wages/means of employment continues to decline. This means that the global debt continues to grow at a much faster rate than the means to pay off the debt. The global economy is already starting to shrink in terms of wages/incomes/employment. Yet prices continue to exponentially grow.

There is no doubt in my mind that the human species' presence on this planet is fundamentally unsustainable. Capitalism is guranateed to collapse, within the relatively near future. And along its collapse, we get the complete cessation of human civilization. And ultimately, we get the complete extinction of the human species...within the relatively near future.

I seriously doubt that there will a new civilization to emerge from the collapse of capitalism. It is plainly obvious that there is hardly anything redeemable or praiseworthy about human civilization. Humans are not going to get any second chances, after industrial civilization ceases to exist. What we will get is complete the not-too-distant future.

Just enjoy your finite time on this planet. But you shouldn't take our unsustainable and corrupt civilization seriously whatsoever. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you will leave behind cultural relics for any future generations of human beings. Why? It is because there won't be any future human generations, since we are facing Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE).

I'm not being pessimistic or cynical. I'm being totally honest and realistic about the human predicament. I'm not foolish enough to think that any culture relics we produce (right now) will be passed down to any (non-existent) future generations of humans.

This concludes my rant for today. And please have a nice day.


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